Like in Mandrem, Goa, the girls were happy to run off in search of a cheap and clean place to stay while me and Steve sat on the street with the bags. Soon we were joined by a Thai nutjob. Arguing with herself for well over an hour. We got chatting to an ex pat called Pat. I think he was homeless. He knew the Thai nutjob well and spoke many languages. I saw him around town a few times. Each time after saying hi, I would have to explain why I knew him to the rest of the gang.
There is an alarming number of 7 elevens in Thailand. They come in handy. Most back packers will drink and eat out of them daily. Bottles of Sangsom which is a sweet Thai whiskey and cheese toasties are both very cheap. Toasties cost 27 baht (51p) & Sangsom is 150 baht (£2.84) Street food & cocktails in an Irish pub soon lead to a bar called Kim's. Sangsom, coke and red bull bucket races. We won but it didn't feel like I had won anything once the brain freeze kicked in. One of these evil buckets will set you back 200 baht (£3.79) I quickly appointed myself as the resident DJ and ACDC was now blaring out of the speakers. The place was full before highway to hell had finished.

"Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast" Cat ate a scorpion. Got tattoos and we tried to go to a strip joint. It must have been 6am or even later as it was closed.
Cats and Kerry were out on one of their many shopping sprees. On Steve's brother's recommendation, me and Steve went on a bit of an unsuccessful mission. Searching for Thai Johnny Depp and his hippy bar. Eventully ended up back in the Irish pub from the previous night which is called Mulligans. Pool and Guinness makes everything better.
We were all feeling a bit weird do you think it had Sangsom to do with this??
Metal Travel Guide came through for me once more. BK has quite a few rock bars to choose from but I settled on 'The Rock Pub' - It was awesome! With my super cool mates shooting tequila and the band playing happy birthday. It had a strange airport style smoking room which was surprisingly comfortable. From within I played charades. Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. Cat obviously got it relatively quickly.
On our last night together we finally found Thai johnny Depp and his bar (VW camper van) The zombies were excellent. He must have cut his hair!? Thai johnny depp is no more. Or perhaps, it was just a different guy. Who knows.
Khaosan road is a pretty full on place. It was the perfect way to celebrate my birthday. People keep asking - how does it feel to be 30? My answer is always the same. No different whatsoever. It turns out we were there for 4 nights. It all kinda bled into one. I loved it. But it destroyed me. We left khaosan Road in the nick of time. I wouldn't want to turn into ex pat Pat or his nutjob friend.
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